Kim Farrell

Light Imagination is a window on the world.
Join me in discovering the enduring beauty of people, places and cultures...

Photography has invited my exploration of color, light, and emotion.  Inspired by National Geographic, I set about to photograph pond fish in sixth grade which resulted in disappointing snapshots of the water’s grey surface. Fortunately, intrigue in capturing the world’s beauty has endured.

I love how a garden evolves in form through the seasons, as well as hour by hour under the Pacific Northwest’s complex skies. With the variance of light, even weeding becomes meditative.  Photographing flowers began inearnest two years ago as I hoped to catalog the plants in our rental’s beautiful garden.  This has developed into a fascination with the rich complexity of flowers. Peering close, their saturated colors, textures and architecture always offer a new perspective.  The challenge of macro photography is its short depth of field and deciding what to emphasize. A flower’s complexity is so vast!

Kim FarrellLooking through the lens focuses my attention to the uncontained beauty of the world.  I hope to share this and evoke emotion through the use of color and light.  Whether weeding the garden or wandering in the mountains,the play of light can transform any scene – as it has me.

–Kim Farrell
Vashon, WA

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